Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Body has been found

Need I say more?

It's a murder mystery, right? So at some point a body must be found. But I've been a little nervous about the moment. Gone are the easy intro pages--all character development and context--now we have a murder to solve, facts to connect, the reader's critical eye to consider. Who should die (yeah, Allen . . . he deserves it)? And who's the killer? You'd think I'd know already but, to be honest, I'm really not sure at this point. 

Will I have enough content to get me from death (word 9737) to the end? Have I dropped the body too soon? 

Stay tuned for the answer.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm...dropped the body.
    could it be a "real" man overboard?

    gotta get a sailboat in there somewhere...maybe sail away with GM with a lovely rainbow spinnaker.
